Secret under the floor: family finds a swimming pool right in the living room

Today, 04:30

It all started when Danielle and her mother Donna noticed a difference in the flooring: one part was wooden, and the other was concrete. Intrigued, the women decided to figure out what was going on.

It all started when the women noticed a difference in the flooring material: one part was wooden, and the other was concrete. Curiosity got the better of them, and they decided to explore the place. Soon, they discovered hidden fasteners on the wall, which led them to an amazing discovery: under their living room was a fully equipped swimming pool with a ladder and steps.

As it turned out, the house was built in the 1990s by local artists, and originally there was a cottage from the 1970s on this site. The previous owners planned to make an indoor pool, but then abandoned the idea due to high humidity. Instead, they closed it and built an outdoor pool, and simply forgot about the indoor one.

Now Danielle and her mother are faced with a dilemma: what to do with this unusual find? Some suggest turning the pool into a food storage facility, while others joke that you can simply fill it with water and watch TV while floating on an inflatable ring.

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