Lake Ira Lalaro - a harmonious duet of beauty and danger (8 photos + 1 video)

22 February 2025

This crocodile-infested body of water in East Timor is also home to a mystical sunken forest.

Lake Ira Lalaro is a freshwater lake in the tiny Asian country of East Timor. Timor is the largest of the small country's three islands. The lake itself is a stunning oasis, surrounded by flat grasslands on the north shore and swamps on the south. But one must be careful when admiring its beauty, so as not to fall into the fanged jaws of one of its many inhabitants – crocodiles.

The lake is an isolated body of water. The northern shore offers a marvelous view with mountains and dense forest in the background, and the pastures are dotted with water buffalo. As lovely as this bucolic place is, it is the swamps on the southern shore that set it apart from others.

Here you can see half-sunken trees, the rows of which resemble a ghostly bay. Although the lake and its surroundings abound with all kinds of creatures swimming among the underwater trunks, it is distinguished by a huge population of estuarine crocodiles - the largest of all species. It is believed that more than 300 of these creatures live in a relatively small area.

One of the reasons why animals have almost captured the natural landmark is that local tribes consider crocodiles sacred totem animals that cannot be hunted.

Swamps and crocodiles are usually associated with the American Southeast, but this lake can easily compete with the classic fanged waters. The strange and at the same time attractive landscapes of Lake Ira Lalaro magically combine charm and the real threat lurking behind it.

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