Denise Richards: Which Films Influenced the Actress's Career (14 photos)

21 February 2025

Not all famous actresses managed to stay on the Hollywood pedestal for long. And actress Denise Richards was no exception. At one time, she "took off" quite well in Hollywood, but her "star" faded rather quickly.

Brief biography

As always, by tradition, we will start with a brief biography of the actress. Denise Richards was born on February 17, 1971 in a suburb of Chicago (Illinois) to Johnny and Irv Richards.

Since childhood, Denise simply adored cinema and even thought about a career as an actress, but all this was only in her dreams. In her homeland, she went to a regular school and did what ordinary children do.

But when Denise turned 15, she moved with her family to California, where, in fact, she graduated from school.

And at the age of 18, the future actress decided to conquer the modeling business, going to New York. In this field, she even had some success, but a couple of years later she decided to return to California and become an actress. To do this, she even enrolled in acting classes. And already in 1990, she was finally able to break into the cinema, although not immediately in serious roles.

Beginning of a career

Before the actress was noticed, she had to play many episodic roles. For example, in 1990, she played a small role of Camilla in one of the episodes of the series "Life Goes On".

And in 1991, she got into the famous series "Married with Children". However, her role there was even smaller.

But in 1992, she was able to appear in one of the episodes of the cult youth series "Beverly Hills 90210". However, participation in this project did not bring her success.

Beverly Hills 90210

A small role in the film "Loaded Weapon" (1993), which is a parody of famous films of that time (including Lethal Weapon), helped her career more or less. With a budget of 8.2 million dollars, the film collected 51 million at the box office.

However, after this, Denise again went into unknown projects, such as "The Italian Mafia", "Burke's Justice", "In an Instant", "Pier 66", etc.


But Denise did not give up, and already in 1997 she got into the famous sci-fi action movie by Paul Verhoeven "Starship Troopers", where she got one of the leading roles.

True, there was one nuance. In our country this movie is very popular, while in the USA it turned out to be a failure. With a budget of 107 million dollars, the movie collected only 121 million, which is very little.

But if the movie really had a rather bad effect on many actors of this movie, then in Denise's case everything turned out quite the opposite, because it was thanks to this film that she was noticed and began to be invited to big cinema for leading roles.

Thanks to "Starship Troopers", Richards was invited to the movie "Wildness" (1998), where she played with Neve Campbell. True, Denise was very upset when she found out that some nude scenes with her participation were secretly included in the film. And she couldn’t present anything, since, unlike Neve Campbell and Kevin Bacon, she didn’t have a mandatory no-nudity clause in her contract.


Of course, the film was a bit of a failure at the box office, collecting only $30 million with a budget of $20 million. But thanks to the active sales of the film on video media, the studio was able to earn a lot of money, thanks to which the film still fell into the category of successful.

Another success helped Denise get into the 19th James Bond film "The World Is Not Enough" (1999) with Pierce Brosnan. With a budget of $135 million, the film grossed $361 million at the box office, and that's not counting the huge sales on video media and advertising profits (product placement)/

The World Is Not Enough

But despite the success of the film "The World Is Not Enough", critics tore the actress to pieces, calling her the worst James Bond girl in the history of Bond. In particular, they found fault with the clothes the actress was wearing. But here, of course, the "sticks" should have been thrown not at Denise Richards, but at the filmmakers who decided to make a reference to the popular game "Tomb Raider" in this way.

as a result, Denise Richards received her first "Golden Raspberry" in the category "Worst Supporting Actress".


But the film "Drop Dead Gorgeous" (1999), where Richards played one of the main roles, was a complete and utter failure at the box office, collecting only $10 million on a budget of $15 million.

Drop Dead Gorgeous

2001 also had a negative impact on Richards' career. That was when the films "Ask Cindy" and "Valentine's Day" were released.

In the case of the film "Ask Cindy", everything was so bad that the film was not even released in theaters, which is why it was released directly on video. But it was during the filming of this movie that Denise Richards started an affair with Charlie Sheen.

Ask Cindy

But the slasher "Valentine's Day" was released in theaters, but it only collected 36 million dollars with a budget of 29 million. The main reason for the failure of the film was that in the early 00s, teenage slashers began to lose their popularity.

Valentine's Day

In 2003, Richards certainly managed to star in such popular and successful films as "Scary Movie 3" and "Love Actually", but her appearances there were too insignificant to be credited with success.

Scary Movie

And in 2004, the film "Elvis Has Left the Building" was released, which also failed miserably at the box office, collecting only $157,000 at the box office with a budget of $11.5 million.

After this, Denise's career went downhill sharply, which is why she began to act again either in episodes or in films of an incomprehensible category.

In 2008, Richards finally landed a big role in the film "Blonde and Blonder" with Pamela Anderson, but this film also flopped miserably at the box office, grossing only $1 million on a $12 million budget.

There was, of course, the film "Madea's Witness Protection Program" (2012), which managed to gross $65 million on a $20 million budget, but Denise had a far from leading role there, so this film had no effect on her personal success.

Christmas Substitution

So she went to conquer TV series and low-quality films, such as "Operation Neighbor", "Christmas Substitution" and "Lived Life".

Career Death

After that, there was no longer any dream of returning to big cinema. And if she got into any films that were shown in cinemas, they were always failures.

And since 2018, she generally began to appear only in completely unknown films that were released exclusively on video media. And even if you look at her filmography in the same Wikipedia, all these films, despite their number, are marked in red.

I think hardly any of you have even heard of such films as "Firstborn", "The Secret Life of Cheerleaders", "Elliot and the Magic Amulet", "Economics", "Fallen Angels" and others.

The Secret Life of Cheerleaders

Yes, Denise still periodically appears in films, but she has definitely "drowned" in low-quality films, from which she will hardly be able to get out. Therefore, we can definitely state the death of the actress's career.

But Denise Richards herself is not worried about this, because she has earned a lot of money during her career. So she definitely does not need additional finances.

Denise Richards

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