The wife of an Arab millionaire spoke about her demands on her husband after she became pregnant (2 photos + 2 videos)

21 February 2025

You can't forbid living beautifully!

When the wife of Dubai millionaire Malik Raj became pregnant with her second child, she rolled out a list of demands to her husband about this. The list of desires included both money and luxury items:

— A pink Gelendvagen, since the woman is pregnant with a girl.

— A new big house for $2,000,000, + $1,000,000 for its renovation.

— $100,000 - for the purchase of 8 Dior bags, $80,000 for Van Cleef jewelry for her daughter.

— $10,000 - for a daily massage for a month.

— $150,000 for a personal driver and a new car for trips with him.

Malika Raja

The woman thought about her future child and decided that buying expensive jewelry was the best investment in her daughter's future. In this regard, the millionaire must also fork out for jewelry for his little princess: she demanded that he give her $200,000 for a custom-made diamond bracelet for her daughter + $70,000 for other gold jewelry.

In total, the millionaire's wife's wishes amounted to $3,660,000. The woman is sure that her husband will not become poor, moreover, he will have an incentive to earn even more to meet the needs of the family.

However, Malika previously said that in her life as a Dubai housewife, not everything is so simple: in particular, her husband is sure that her job is to look after the children, so the woman has a number of prohibitions. For example, she is forbidden to sit in the front seat of the car next to her husband. Malika's place is in the back, where her children sit.

Of course, this unfortunate circumstance somewhat darkens the existence of the unfortunate housewife, but she steadfastly endures the difficulties that have fallen upon her (sarcasm). Moreover, her husband never refuses her expensive gifts and says that he likes to spend money on his beloved wife.

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