A humpback whale swallowed a young man along with a boat, and then spat him out
A father and son had a terrifying experience while on a boat in Chile. Suddenly, a humpback whale surfaced and swallowed the young man and his boat. After a few seconds underwater, the whale surfaced again and spat the young man out.
Adrián Simancas was swimming in the Strait of Magellan in an inflatable kayak when he suddenly felt a strong blow to his back that knocked him out of the boat. He remembers being inside the mucous cavity, hearing strange sounds and feeling a strong suction. Then he was thrown to the surface with great force.
“When I was inside, I remembered Pinocchio, who was also swallowed by a whale,” Simancas told reporters.
His father, with whom the young man went on the voyage, captured the entire incident on video, which eventually went viral. Adrian Simancas emerged from this adventure unharmed and without any injuries.