A Woman Suffered from Orgasms and Learned That It's a Symptom of a Rare Disease PGAD (3 photos)

Category: Health, Sex, PEGI 16
13 February 2025

Emily McMahon, 36, from the UK, has been suffering from a rare condition for nine years - persistent genital arousal disorder, which causes her to have uncontrollable orgasms accompanied by severe pain.

The first symptoms appeared in 2014, when McMahon began to experience burning pain in the groin and uncontrollable orgasms up to five times a day. Initially, doctors suspected the presence of a cyst, but an examination revealed damage to the nerve responsible for sexual arousal. The disease, called PGAD, manifests itself in the form of sudden attacks of arousal and increased secretion, which causes not only physical but also psychological discomfort. “When it happens on the street or on public transport, my trousers get wet, and people look at me with condemnation, as if I just couldn’t hold back,” Emily said.

Because of the disease, the woman is afraid to have sex, since for her it is associated with excruciating pain. However, she has been in a long-distance relationship with a 38-year-old man named Andrew for two years, who supports her and accepts her condition. However, according to McMahon, her loved ones do not fully understand the severity of her situation, reducing the problem to simple and ineffective advice.

The only way to alleviate the condition is an operation to remove the damaged nerve, but such procedures are only performed in the United States, where McMahon cannot go yet. "I dream of only one thing - to get rid of this pain and stop feeling like an outcast," she admitted.

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