Girl Almost Ate Engagement Ring Hidden in Pie (2 Photos + 1 Video)

Category: Decorations, PEGI 0+
8 February 2025

"Attention, men! Never hide engagement rings in food!" - a post with this title went viral on Chinese social networks the other day.

The author of the post, a girl with the surname Liu, learned this bitter truth from personal experience: her boyfriend decided to propose to his beloved in an unusual way, but the romantic idea ended in failure.

So, it is worth remembering that if a gentleman is going to propose to his lady, then he should never hide the engagement ring in food. A girl named Liu, who returned home very hungry, happily began to eat the pie that her lover treated her to, but at some point she felt that she was gnawing on something suspiciously hard. The saddened boyfriend examined the spat out find and declared that it was a gold engagement ring. He put it in the pie to make the proposal original. Alas, but his girlfriend's strong teeth destroyed the jewelry.

Luckily, the couple was able to realize the comical nature of the moment. Liu still received a proposal (albeit without a ring) and gave her consent. And Internet users who laughed wish happiness to the newly-made groom and toothy bride.

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