In Turkey, a thief hid with his loot in a ventilation shaft for several days (1 photo + 1 video)

8 February 2025

A man who robbed a jewelry store in Turkey sat with the stolen gold in a ventilation shaft in the ceiling of the shopping center for three days.

The incident took place in a shopping center in the Turkish city of Adana. Security guards raised the alarm when the alarm of the jewelry store, which was closed at the time, went off.

Police squads were sent to the scene. They notified employees of other stores in the shopping center and searched each store and other premises in search of the criminal, but they were not able to find him right away. According to the store owner, the perpetrator stole 3 kilograms of gold and 100 thousand lira.

The shopping mall continued to trade, customers reported hearing some sounds from the ceiling, but they could not find the criminal. The police called in rescuers, who scanned the area with thermal imaging devices. Search and rescue dogs were then called to the mall. The police also examined hundreds of CCTV footage from the area. However, no traces of the criminal were found.

As a result, it was only on the third day that the police closed all exits from the mall and blocked the roads around it, rescuers tore down part of the ceiling and began checking the ventilation shafts. The thief climbed out of the ventilation and tried to escape from the police, but was detained. Now his fate will be decided by the court.

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