23 people who had a "not so great" day (24 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
8 February 2025

Sometimes failures and unexpected surprises can lie in wait for us even when we don't leave the house. And familiar walls can present many misadventures. In this post you will see "domestic" troubles that happened to unlucky people.

1. I think I'm going to be late for work today

2. I left the bathroom window open for three weeks while I was gone, a bird made a nest in my sink

3. Guests will have to eat Olivier salad without peas

4. Yesterday my garage door was left open

5. The delivery driver hung the food I ordered on my fence and my dog ​​ate it all

6. My cat brought a live mouse into the house and lost it in my room.

7. My dog ​​decided to break down my bedroom door while I was at work

8. Meet Bonnie, our three-month-old collie. He found a jar of green stuff that didn't have a very tight lid. Chinese carpet is very expensive

9. This morning on the way to work my car broke down and I had to tow it. And five minutes after returning home, the ceiling collapsed

10. I was called home, our column fell

11. This is what happens when there is a field for golf

12. After a grueling day at work, I come home and find all my things in garbage bags. The cleaners sent by my landlord cleaned the wrong apartment

13. Sunlight through a glass doorknob caused a house fire

14. After taking apart the front door, I discovered that there were doors of different sizes

15. Took my son to see my childhood home

16. When we got home, we saw this in our bathroom. The real estate company didn't warn us that renovations were underway

17. Our ceiling caved in

18. Had dinner

19. We slept peacefully at night when we heard a deafening roar

20. Do you think my dinner is ready yet?

21. I came home and there was a broken gate and we don’t know who did it

22. I was sleeping at night and suddenly I heard the sound of broken glass

23. Tomatoes showed great promise

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