35 rather curious photos from around the world (36 photos)

8 February 2025

Life is not always as exciting and emotional as it is portrayed in movies and TV shows. But it still knows how to surprise. The world is full of little things that can make you smile and admire, even if only for a moment. This collection of shots from around the world will be a treat for the eyes and another reminder of how important it is to always have a camera or phone with you!

1. Alaskan Taxi Driver Offers Conversational "Menu"

Road Rage - I Complain About All Drivers, Their Cars, And Why They Shouldn't Be Allowed On The Road!

Analyst — if something is bothering you, I will listen to you with sympathy and, perhaps, help clarify the situation (but this is not certain).

Guide — I will tell you about Alaska and why one vacation is not enough to see all the most interesting things.

Restaurant trip — I will tell you about restaurants and help you decide on a place. I can tell you which waiters serve better.

Simon & Garfunkel — the sounds of silence.

Life lessons — I share my life experience with you. You can listen to my advice or ignore it.

Politics — I'm kidding. Everyone has their own views. I can't change your opinion, and you can't change mine.

About me - I'll tell you about myself.

Do you want to have your photo taken? I took a photography course and learned how to take beautiful pictures.

2. Left a rectangle of wildflowers for the bees

3. Our cat Mia puts her paws on her tail so they don't freeze

4. Diaper packaging in Sweden depicts father

5. 1 euro with a picture of a 2400-year-old Greek coin

6. Nuthatch before and after a two-hour sleep in the warmth

7. I knitted a blanket that looks like sushi when folded

8. The bird feeder I bought at the store already had a hummingbird on it

9. I have a hereditary gap in eyebrows

10. My stray cat before and after neutering at age 13

11. Police taking pictures on the beach

12. Relay torch from the 1984 Olympics

13. I just moved into this house and there's a heron in it

14. My baby has natural blonde hair strands

15. Garden snake nest

16. Power line broke and melted the sidewalk

17. Future MRI room, covered with copper "wallpaper"

18. There's a turtle in a diaper walking around my gym

19. Lightning struck my home gym and left this on the mirror artifact

20. I cleaned a leather sofa and a brand appeared on it

21. A funeral home offers a cardboard coffin for 85 dollars

22. My niece has 6 fingers on both hands

23. Bees have taken over the plant

24. Hexagonal structure branches

25. I grew a sunflower in 2021

26. Found a pearl in an oyster

27. It seemed

28. My dog's long whisker

29. My grandparents have a glass-fronted kitchen Well

30. Rabbit without ears

31. Golden bee

32. When a pet looks like owner

33. I built the Millennium Falcon from old Lego pieces

34. A bird made a nest on my car while I was in gym

35. The difference between a trimmed and wild palm

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