We examine the design of the MKSABp 4x4x1.2 cable (8 photos)

8 February 2025

Hello friends. Today we have a fragment of an interesting trunk communication cable brand MKSABp 4x4x1.2 for review. This cable was widely used for building trunk cable communication lines through which various analog transmission systems worked.

Fragment of cable MKSABp 4x4x1.2

Currently, the share of use of this cable is gradually decreasing and it is increasingly being replaced by fiber-optic communication cables, but it can still be found in operation, but with modern digital transmission systems.

The marking of this cable is decoded as follows:

M - main;

K - cable;

C - communications;

A - has an aluminum sheath;

B - steel tape armor;

p - under the armor there is a cushion, including a polyethylene sheath;

4 - the number of quadruples;

4 - the number of cores in the quadruple;

1.2 - the diameter of the copper core.

The first layer in this cable is jute tapes. Their main purpose is to protect steel tapes from minor damage, from corrosion. It is a separating layer between the armor and the ground, between the turns of the cable on the drum. These fibers are quite strong.

Removed jute from the ISS cable

Under the jute we have armor made of two steel tapes. This armor is designed to protect this cable from mechanical damage, this cable is intended for installation in the ground, and in the ground anything can happen, as you know =)

Two steel tapes that made up the armor of the MKSAbp 4x4x1.2 cable

Under the armor, we have one of the layers of the cushion. The top layer of the cushion is made of cable paper impregnated with bitumen. When cutting the cable, it is advisable to use gloves. Bitumen stains your hands, gloves, special clothing and tools at once and is quite difficult to wipe off. When cutting a cable, it is necessary to have a solvent, it will be needed both for cleaning the cable elements from bitumen, and simply to wash off after cutting it =)

I removed the first layer of the cushion from the MKSABp cable

Under the first layer of the cushion is the second layer of the cushion - a shell made of polyethylene. A dense polyethylene hose covering the internal elements of the cable.

Aluminum sheath of the MKSAbp cable

Under the polyethylene sheath of this cable is an aluminum sheath. The space between the aluminum and polyethylene is filled with bitumen. The aluminum hose in this cable acts as a screen and also allows this cable to be kept under excess pressure.

Then the cable stripping did not go according to plan, the cable fragment was very flattened and it was problematic to extract the cores from it, so I had to remove all the protective sheaths from it and start stripping again closer to the middle of the fragment.

The aluminum shell is cut by partially cutting a circle on top of it, and then breaking the aluminum shell. It is very desirable not to damage the belt insulation during this cutting. Since in my case the fragment was very flattened - I couldn't do it =(

The core of the MKSABp cable 4x4x1.2

Under the aluminum sheath is a belt insulation. This insulation is made of cable paper in the form of tapes that are wound on the core of this communication cable.

Four quads inside the MKSABp cable 4x4x1.2

Inside the communication cable we see 16 copper cores of this cable. All 16 cores are divided into four quadruples. One quadruple is four copper cores. Each quadruple is separated from the other quadruples by a thread of a certain color.

Cores of the MKSABp cable

Inside each quadruple there are four cores. The cores are made of copper, with a diameter of 1.2 mm. Around each copper core a cord of Styroflex is wound. In each core of the quadruple, this cord will be of a different color, for the correct counting of the cores. On top of the core in the cord, insulation is wound, made of Styroflex. In general, this type of insulation is called cord-styroflex. Insulation properties in this case are achieved due to the dielectric properties of styroflex and the air gap created by the cord.

For today, that's all I wanted to tell you about this cable. If you have any questions, write to me, I'll be glad to answer them.

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