28 facts about celebrities that are hard to believe (29 photos)

8 February 2025

Celebrities, like ordinary people, would like to hide some events from their biographies, but fans and ubiquitous reporters are not asleep. However, sometimes they themselves reveal shocking details of their lives.

1. Charlize Theron Witnessed Her Father's Murder

Charlize was born to Gerda Maritz and Charles Theron in South Africa in 1975. At the age of 15, she witnessed the death of her father, whom her mother was forced to shoot in self-defense.

The actress shared: "My father was so drunk that he could barely stand when he came into the house with a gun. My mother and I were sitting in my bedroom, my father was breaking into the room, and we were trying to hold the door with all our might. We both leaned against the door so that he couldn't get in. He took a step back and just shot at the door three times. None of the bullets hit us, which is just a miracle. My mother was forced to use the gun in self-defense."

2. Tina Fey was attacked in her yard as a child, leaving a scar on her face

The girl was only five years old when a stranger approached her with a knife and cut her cheek. She was confused, thinking that someone had drawn a pen across her face. “I kept playing, unaware of what had happened. I was a very confident child,” Fey recalled.

3. Matthew Broderick caused a fatal accident

In 1987, the actor was vacationing in Ireland with actress Jennifer Grey. Forgetting that they drive on the left side of the road, he drove into the oncoming lane and collided with a car. As a result of the accident, two women died, 63-year-old Margaret Doherty and her 28-year-old daughter Anna Gallagher. At first, they wanted to convict Broderick and imprison him for five years. However, the court found him not guilty and ordered him to pay a fine of $175.

4. David Bowie did not have heterochromia, as many believe

His eyes are different because his pupils are different sizes, which is called anisocoria. And it arose as a result of a fight with George Underwood as a teenager. Friends were in love with the same girl, and Bowie bragged that he was Casanova. Underwood got upset and hit Bowie in the eye, accidentally scratching it with his fingernail. Oddly enough, there was no resentment, and Underwood went on to become one of Bowie's main collaborators.

5. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson had a breast reduction

The actor suffered from gynecomastia - an enlargement of the mammary gland with hypertrophy of the glands and adipose tissue in men. Dwayne shared: "I was worried about aesthetics. I went to the doctor and showed him my chest, and he said: "Are you crazy?" I was going around without a shirt, so I had surgery."

6. Famous singer Johnny Cash was one of the first Americans to learn of Stalin's death

During the Cold War, Cash was tasked with intercepting and deciphering Soviet communications, and in March 1953, he was the one who alerted American officials to Stalin's death.

His daughter Roseanne confirmed: "Dad told us about it many times."

7. Cash started a massive forest fire that almost completely wiped out the population birds

In 1956, while returning from a fishing trip, Cash discovered oil dripping from his truck. This started a grass fire that quickly grew and burned 500 acres of the Los Padres National Forest, a refuge for the endangered California condor. Ultimately, 49 of the 53 birds died.

The government sued Cash, and in his deposition, he stated, "I don't give a damn about your buzzards. Why should I care?" He settled with the government and paid a fine of $82,001.

8. Bryan Cranston was suspected of murder

In his youth, Bryan Cranston and his brother worked as waiters in a restaurant in Florida. The establishment was run by a chef named Peter Wong, who literally hated everyone around him, and the workers loved to joke about the chef's death. Having earned enough money, the brothers moved north. Around the same time, Peter Wong disappeared. When investigators questioned the restaurant staff, they pointed to the Cranstons. Fortunately, the police found the real killers pretty quickly.

9. This isn't the only dark story from Cranston's life

In 1968, he met cult leader Charles Manson, just a year before his followers brutally murdered Sharon Tate and her friends. Cranston was 12 years old at the time, and he was riding horses with his cousin at the Spahn Ranch, where the cult members lived. The actor later recalled seeing a small man with wild eyes, whom other hippies called Charlie.

10. Speaking of Manson, he was friends with many Hollywood stars, including Dennis Wilson and Mike Love, co-founders of the Beach Boys

Moreover, Manson and his friends moved into Wilson's house. Wilson later allegedly told Love that he saw Manson kill a black man. After that, the friendship with Manson ended.

11. On the Tate Murder...

Sharon Tate and her friends were not the target. Tate simply lived in the house that previously belonged to music producer Terry Melcher, who refused to let Manson record his songs.

12. Debbie Harry, lead singer of Blondie, once got a ride from Ted Bundy

In the 1970s, a girl was driving home late from work and couldn’t get a cab. A man in a Volkswagen Beetle showed up and offered her a ride. Debbie decided to get in, but quickly realized the danger: “First, it was really hot in the car and the windows were barely open. The guy was wearing a white shirt and he was really cute. Then I realized he was the one smelling the worst odor I’ve ever smelled. I saw there were no door handles and the whole interior was bare. My hair stood on end.”

She reached through the window to open the door from the outside and jumped out of the car. Bundy would be caught years later and confess to 30 murders.

13. Sean Penn Was in Prison with the "Night Stalker"

The actor spent 60 days behind bars for assaulting a photographer and reckless driving. Serial killer Richard Ramirez sent Penn a note: "Hey Sean, stay tough and beat 'em up again. Richard Ramirez, 666." And soon the stalker received an answer: "I hope the gas catches you off guard faster than common sense. That would be the most humane outcome."

14. Jordan Belfort and Tommy Chong were cellmates

Belfort is a former broker and criminal played by Leonardo DiCaprio in the film "The Wolf of Wall Street." In prison, Belfort began writing his memoirs on the advice of comedian Tommy Chong, who was serving time for marijuana trafficking.

15. After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Steve Buscemi, a former firefighter, dedicated five 12-hour shifts to saving lives

The actor went to the scene and found his former fire brigade. His comrades later wrote: "Very few photos and interviews because Steve refused them. He was not there for publicity."

16. Speaking of 9/11, James Cameron Missed It

On September 11, 2001, he was working on a documentary called Ghosts of the Abyss, which featured underwater footage of the Titanic wreckage and footage of the film's star, Bill Paxton. Twelve hours after the attacks, Cameron returned from his underwater trip and asked Paxton, "What's going on?" To which Paxton replied, "The worst terrorist attack in history, Jim."

17. On September 11, 2001, Michael Jackson was scheduled to have a meeting in one of the World Trade Center towers. However, he slept through it

18. Mark Wahlberg and Seth MacFarlane were supposed to be on the planes that crashed that day

However, at the last minute, Wahlberg decided to go to a film festival in Canada, and MacFarlane was hungover and missed his flight by 10 minutes.

19. Frank Sinatra's Mother Was a Fierce Women's Rights Advocate

Dolly was a midwife and performed illegal abortions in the 1930s and 1940s, for which she was arrested at least six times. She also took part in demonstrations in support of women's suffrage. She also ran a bar during Prohibition.

20. Another Star With an Active Relative: Olivia Newton-John

Her grandfather, Max Born, was a Nobel Prize winner in physics, a friend of Einstein and Oppenheimer's teacher. Together they came up with the famous Born-Oppenheimer approximation.

21. Joaquin Phoenix grew up in the Children of God cult along with his late brother River Phoenix

His parents were "archbishops" of the religion and preached in Venezuela and Trinidad. Members were accused of using sex to recruit people. According to Joaquin, his parents left the organization when they found out about it because their involvement was "idealistic" and "innocent." However, River Phoenix claimed that he had his first sexual experience in the cult when he was just four years old. When the interviewer asked with whom, he replied, "With children."

22. Rose McGowan also spent her childhood in this cult

She lived for five years in the Children of God commune in Italy. Her parents fled after the leader began promoting sexual relations between children and adults.

23. David and Patricia Arquette grew up in a commune founded by their parents

Along with other followers of the spiritual movement Subud, they bought an old Christian summer camp and moved in with their families. For four years, the Arquette family slept in one room without running water or electricity.

24. Jackie Chan starred in a porn film early in his career

In 1975, he starred in the film All in the Family alongside a famous porn star of the time. Many years later, when asked about this role, Chan said: “31 years ago, I had to do everything possible to make a living. But I don’t think it’s shameful. Even Marlon Brando got naked in his films.”

25. Sylvester Stallone made his debut in 1970 in an erotic film

He got a role in the film “The Party at Kitty and Stud’s”. He agreed only because he was left homeless. According to Stallone, he had to choose between filming erotic films and robbery, and he was on the verge of despair. Participation in the film brought him $ 200 and saved him from homelessness.

26. Let's remember Stallone's colleague Dolph Lundgren, who played the ruthless boxer Ivan Drago in the film “Rocky IV»

In 2009, masked robbers broke into the actor's house, not knowing who it belonged to. They tied up his wife, Anette Qviberg, and forced her to hand over money and jewelry. Later, the thieves saw family photos with Lundgren... and quickly disappeared, scared of the strongman.

27. Jane Fonda has royal roots

Fonda is a relative of Jane Seymour, one of Henry VIII's six wives (including Anne Boleyn, about whom, by the way, the musical "Six" was written). And in fact, she was named after Seymour. The actress admits that until the fourth grade she called herself Lady.

28. Metallica is one of the few bands to perform in Antarctica

After this show, which took place in 2013, they became the first band in history to perform on every continent, and in a year.

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