Thiefs rammed jewelry store in broad daylight in England (3 photos + 1 video)

3 February 2025

On January 29, masked criminals committed a daring robbery in Surrey, UK. The thieves rammed a stolen Mini Cooper into a jewelry store window and stole jewelry.

Footage of the crime was published on social media. A red car with missing number plates reverses into Brooklands Jewellers, a jewelry store in West Byfleet, Surrey. And all this happens in front of passers-by. The window is smashed, and a man in a mask and yellow gloves enters the store. He grabs several boxes of jewelry and loads them into the Mini.

Emergency services were called to the Parkside area of ​​New Haw after a car struck a pedestrian. The Mini Cooper was found wrecked there.

One of the suspects suffered a hand injury during the pursuit and was taken to hospital. Two more suspects were arrested after a helicopter and canine unit were dispatched to the scene.

"One of the men was taken to hospital with injuries. A search using a police helicopter and dogs led to the discovery of two more men. They have been arrested on suspicion of burglary," a Surrey police spokesman said.

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