19 cases when people encountered mysterious objects, but they were explained why all these things were needed (20 photos)

3 February 2025

The world is full of mysterious things, the purpose of which is a mystery to the uninitiated. And they don’t necessarily have to be from past centuries — sometimes modern objects make many people scratch their heads.

1. A mysterious vessel with amber liquid, lying in a grocery store. What is it?

This is a flask from a sprinkler of a fire extinguishing system. When the temperature in the room reaches a certain point, the flask breaks, and water starts to flow from the sprinkler.

2. What is this strange system of cables and weights on the facade of the building?

These wires will serve as a base for plants that will grow on the facade. Weights are needed so that the wires are constantly in a taut state.

3. Primitive building on the shore in North Carolina, USA

This is a special shelter for duck hunters.

4. I saw this at the theater, what is this piece of metal? I've been wondering about this for 8 years, please help

This is a special lamp that is needed to illuminate the folding table underneath.

5. What is this ring for? It is made of silver with a precious stone on top

This is a ring for solid perfume. In the past, there was more rotten stuff on the streets, so ladies would put this ring to their noses when they passed by bad-smelling places.

6. What is this ceramic frog figurine? It has holes in the bottom and a hole in the top too

This is a special device for watering plants. You put it in water, then pinch the hole on top with your finger and pull the device out of the water. If you release your finger, water will flow out of the holes in the bottom.

7. An empty "stick" inside. What is it?

Herbicides are added to the inside of this stick. The tip is stuck into the ground next to the weed and the stick is pressed to release a dose of herbicide.

8. I saw this on the playground. A spiral with two balls at the ends, made of metal, stands on two posts. What is this thing?

This is a climbing frame for children without a special purpose. It is needed to develop creativity.

9. What is this button in the forest? We didn't dig it out. Judging by the moss, it's been here for a long time

This is a special mark that surveyors use to mark the places they need.

10. Found this in kitchen goods at a flea market. Any ideas what this strangely beautiful thing is for?

These are devices for frying food on a fire or grill.

11. What is this thing? It's made of yellow plastic, with plastic tips on either end

This is a stand for materials that need to be sawed or trimmed. You need another one to hold boards and other materials on.

12. A heavy metal object. The handle says it was made in 1880

This is a crease iron for collars, sleeves, and other items of clothing.

13. Keychain, the left part slides out and back in. There is something like foam on the right side. What is it?

This is a gift for clients. The left side is used as a stand for the phone, and the right side is used as a sponge for cleaning the screen.

14. What are these holes in the ground? They are located at the entrance to the Roman amphitheater in Pompeii

These are holes into which wooden posts were inserted, used to build a fence. Apparently, there was a need to separate the crowd of people.

15. My dog ​​brought me this. I thought it was a master key, but it doesn't look like one. What is this?

Looks like a felting needle.

16. What flew over my house today? Looks like a low-flying satellite, but it left a bright trail

This was a Falcon 9 rocket launch.

17. Found this in the ground in my backyard. It's heavy, and the blunt end looks like it had a rope tied to it. What is it?

This is the weight of a plumb line, which is used to adjust the vertical position of walls and other vertical objects.

18. A piece of steel screwed to a surface. What is it for?

This is to keep skateboarders out and not damage the surface.

19. A piece of material with holes drilled into it. Found on a beach in Scotland

This is the head of an old toothbrush.

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