A man withdrew money from an ATM and got an additional surprise

31 January 2025

Netizens started joking in the comments. They hope that this funny incident will bring the man luck and wealth this year.

A man who was trying to withdraw cash from an ATM came across a huge snake that was crawling around the machine and shocking people. According to eyewitnesses, this happened on Monday, January 20, in one of the districts of the Taiwanese capital, Taipei.

The footage published on the Internet shows a huge reptile crawling out of an ATM, and then, unable to find a single crack to hide in, it falls onto the asphalt.

The stunned man comments on what he saw in Chinese: "Wow, what a big snake! There's a huge snake on the ATM, it wants money too! It looks more than two meters long. It's really big, too big!"

Netizens started joking in the comments. One of them recalled that the symbol of 2025, which begins on January 29 according to the Chinese calendar, is the Snake. People hope that the appearance of the reptile will bring luck and wealth to a man.

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