“Didn’t get along?”: a man put a used doll up for sale (2 photos)

Category: Sex, PEGI 16
30 January 2025

A used doll from a sex shop was put up for sale at one of Minsk's online flea markets — the seller is ready to give it away for half price and assures that the item was used only a couple of times.

The ad caused an unprecedented stir among users — however, no one has yet expressed a desire to acquire the "toy", but many are interested in why the former owner decided to get rid of it.

"I will sell a realistic doll. Which will make all your fantasies come true. Was used a couple of times. In very good condition. The product is made of latex and is ready to please the buyer. The whole set is assembled (heating of intimate zones, underwear, wigs, tights, different costumes). You will definitely not regret if you choose this cool thing," the author of the ad advertises his product on VKontakte (spelling and punctuation preserved).

The doll is 150 cm tall and weighs 45 kg and is stored in a box. The seller himself bought it for 400 euros, but is ready to sell it for 190 euros.

The "cool thing" was put up for sale on January 22, but it seems that it has not yet found a buyer. But the comments are incredibly lively — mostly users are practicing their wit.

Most of all, commentators are interested in why he decided to sell the doll. They also put forward their own versions:

"What, did you have a problem with your characters?"

"He played with her, it seems."

"She's worn out."

"Does her head hurt or something? Or did he catch her with a friend?"

Some people noticed that the doll is not as well-groomed as the seller claims, and they say they feel sorry for her. "I wonder who really dumped whom," they joke in the comments.

Another commentator suggested that she "at least get her hair done and plastered," because "she looks tired."

The author of the ad was also warned that the doll “would not forgive” him, and it was predicted that he would go to jail for human trafficking.

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