Indian authorities promise $1 million to a person who can decipher the writing of the ancient Indus Valley civilization (4 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 0+
30 January 2025

Scientists receive emails every week from people claiming to have solved the problem.

The Chief Minister of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, Muthuvel Karunanidhi Stalin, has announced a $1 million prize for the first person to decipher the Indus Valley script. It was discovered 100 years ago by British archaeologist John Marshall, but the contents of the ancient messages remain a mystery.

One Indus script expert, Rajesh Rao, said he receives emails every week from people who claim to have solved the puzzle. The letters come from a variety of backgrounds: IT professionals, accountants, tax officials and retirees. Most, Rao said, are based on theories that the Indus script has magical and spiritual significance, ignoring the fact that it is most often found on stone tablets used mainly for trade.

The hefty cash reward is intended to motivate archaeologists, linguists and technical experts around the world who are working to decipher the Indus script, local authorities say.

“The Indus script is perhaps the most important writing system that has yet to be deciphered,” said Asko Parpola, a leading Indologist.

The origin of the Indus script dates back to the transition period of 2700-2500 BC. Its historical significance is due to the fact that if deciphered, it can reveal the true history of the Indus Valley civilization and its socio-economic ties. In addition, the newly discovered evidence will help clarify the situation with the possible migration of the Indus Valley population to the south.

1 comment
Гість Олександр
Гість Олександр
6 February 2025
Цікаво ,що вони робитимуть ,якщо та писемність до тамільців немає ніякого відношення.
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