10 interesting facts about the ocean that will surprise you (10 photos)

Category: Facts, PEGI 0+
22 January 2025

The oceans occupy more than 70% of the surface of our planet and hide a lot of secrets that have not yet been fully unraveled. In this article, we will tell you about the most amazing facts about the ocean that will surely amaze you.

Giant creatures live in the oceans

Although many of us have heard of giant sea creatures such as sperm whales or giant squids, the ocean hides even more amazing inhabitants. In the northern oceans, a giant starfish was discovered, the diameter of which can reach 2.5 meters! And in the depths of the ocean live such unusual creatures as giant sea worms, which can grow up to several meters in length and are one of the most ancient species on Earth. The ocean hides a huge number of such creatures, which in their size and appearance can truly surprise.

Can the oceans "sing"?

Have you ever heard the ocean "sing"? Actually, it's not a myth. There are sounds that the ocean can make under certain conditions. These sounds are called "ocean acoustic phenomena." When waves interact with the seabed or underwater currents to create specific vibrations, they can create sound waves that resemble soft singing or music.

Research shows that the ocean can "sing" at certain frequencies that are within the human hearing range. It is noteworthy that such sounds can be very diverse - from low booming tones to higher sounds similar to the sound of bells.

Giant underwater waterfalls

One of the most amazing natural phenomena exists at the bottom of the oceans - underwater waterfalls. For example, near the island of Greenland and in Malaysia, you can find such phenomena as underwater waterfalls, which are actually huge streams of cold water falling from a high underwater cliff. Their appearance is explained by differences in salinity and temperature of the water, due to which powerful currents arise. This phenomenon is so majestic that the waterfalls can be even larger than the largest waterfalls on land.

The ocean depth is greater than the height of the highest mountains

The depth of the deepest point of the ocean exceeds 16 kilometers, which is almost two times greater than the height of the highest mountain on Earth - Everest, which rises to 8.8 kilometers. But what is more surprising is that underwater canyons and trenches can go much deeper. For example, the Mariana Trench - the deepest point of the World Ocean - reaches almost 11 kilometers. This is more than twice as deep as the height of Everest! There are entire "northern" or "eastern" continents hidden in the oceans that we never see on the surface.

There is a "white" continent in the oceans

While underwater, scientists discovered that there is a so-called "white continent" in the oceans - these are huge masses of ice that float in the waters of Antarctica and form vast ice shelves. These ice sheets are unusually huge and can stretch for thousands of square kilometers. Their thickness can reach several kilometers! And if they begin to melt, this will have a serious impact on the level of the world's oceans. The oceans, in turn, store a huge amount of fresh water in the form of ice.

There are underwater volcanoes active in the 21st century

Underwater volcanoes are another amazing natural phenomenon. They regularly erupt, throwing magma into the water, which cools and creates new islands. Over the past decades, several powerful underwater eruptions have been recorded, such as the 2018 volcanic eruption in the Pacific Ocean, which led to the emergence of a new island. These volcanoes play an important role in the redistribution of energy on Earth and have a significant impact on the biosphere of the oceans, as well as the climate.

The ocean is a source of medicine

The ocean is not only beautiful, but also incredibly useful for medicine. Recently, scientists have discovered that marine organisms such as sponges and corals contain substances that can be used to develop new drugs. These substances help fight cancer, viruses, and even heart disease. For example, one of the components that was found in sea sponges helps fight cancer tumors, and other marine organisms can become the basis for creating antibiotics. The ocean may still contain many undisclosed secrets that can radically change pharmaceuticals.

There are giant "deserts" under water

Many of us are used to thinking of deserts as places on land where there is no life, but in fact, such "deserts" exist in the ocean as well. These are regions where there are almost no nutrients, and life in these places is reduced to a minimum. One such desert is the so-called "dead zones" - areas of the ocean where oxygen levels are so low that marine organisms cannot survive. These areas arise due to human activity, when excess nutrients enter the ocean, disrupting its ecological balance.

The ocean is a source of carbon absorption

The ocean plays a key role in regulating the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide that we emit into the atmosphere. Each year, the oceans absorb about a quarter of all anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, thereby slowing climate change. Oceans absorb carbon through photosynthesis, which occurs in algae and plankton, and by dissolving carbon dioxide in the water. However, as water temperatures increase, the efficiency of carbon absorption decreases, which may lead to an acceleration of climate change in the future.

There are "oases" of life in the ocean

Despite their enormous size and often harsh conditions, the oceans contain "oases" - areas of high biological activity, such as underwater hot springs or coral reefs. These areas are home to diverse ecosystems where rare species of animals and plants coexist. For example, coral reefs are considered the "tropics of the ocean" because they have incredible biodiversity and are home to a huge number of marine creatures, from small fish to large mammals. The ocean continues to amaze us with its hidden wonders, and its exploration is just beginning!

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