A glass of water as a dowry - a story that conquered Indonesia (6 photos)

22 January 2025

The story of a groom named Hari and his bride Rohani melted Indonesian hearts because he didn't give anything as a dowry except a glass of water. And she still married him. It sounds touching to us, but it literally brings Indonesians to tears.

A photo from the celebration that flew around the country. That very glass

Why are they all crying?

In some Asian countries, the dowry plays not just an important, but often the main role in marriage, and in India and Pakistan, for example, the dowry must be given together with the bride.

In Indonesia and China, for example, the man must pay a ransom. Moreover, the families themselves set the bar, which is sometimes simply unbearable for the Chinese.

I wrote about a very beautiful Pakistani social advertisement that a dowry is an unbearable yoke

And so, no matter what country you are in, be it a country with a female or a country with a male dowry-ransom, it becomes unbearable for families who dream of a decent partner for their child. That's why they save up for it from birth.

And in India, for example, the poorest can get rid of their daughters, because it is an extra expense for a dowry. I already wrote about girls disfigured by acid in India. Many of them were attacked not only out of jealousy, but out of greed - if you didn't marry me with your dowry, no one would take you with it either.

How Hari and Rohani Melted Hearts

Hari's groom is from a poor family, which made it extremely difficult for him to propose to a good girl.

She gave him flip-flops, by the way. But they will keep them as a family heirloom.

But at the wedding, which took place in the Alfalah Mosque in Aceh, there was no rich dowry. The groom himself said that the bride herself did not ask for anything from the dowry for her, except for a glass of drinking water.

And most of all, people who saw the photos from the wedding were captivated by the fact that the bride drank this same glass as soon as the marriage was concluded. She symbolically took everything that the groom gave her - accepted the gift with gratitude.

For Indonesians, this is the purest, most unalloyed proof of sincere love. After all, a girl here should not just demand a decent dowry from men, it is often also financial protection for her and her children in case of adversity.

By the way, he later said nasty things on social networks that women are only interested in money, and everyone was upset that he was a simple fool

So Rohani even acted a little crazy in their culture, trusting a poor man and his future. This is how our youth gets married and then either everything works out for them or not. In Indonesia, they prefer not to take risks, for them such behavior sounds like pure madness.

And as it usually happens

Often, already planned weddings in Indonesia are disrupted when parents increase their appetites and demand more and more.

Or a striking example from Malaysia, two families fought right in the mosque. The parents of the bride and groom clashed when it became clear that the groom did not bring the entire dowry amount requested by the bride's family.

And they continue to post photos and videos, showing these slippers, that everything is solid in their family

Earlier, the bride's family asked for a dowry of about 50 million rupees, while at that time the groom could only pay 25 million rupees. Since the groom worked as a security guard with a salary of 5 million rupees per month, the groom eventually asked to pay the dowry in installments.

The bride's father demanded that she pay with interest, as if it were a loan, which meant that she would end up paying 55 million. When the groom refused, he said that he would leave the wedding and the bride would be disgraced. The bride's family could not stand such blackmail and beat up the groom's family.

Wedding fights are an international phenomenon

In general, as in a fairy tale, the white team (wedding dress) defeated evil. The groom ran away when the fight began and suffered the least.

Was the bride really right when she asked for only a glass of water? After all, not everyone gratefully accepts faith in them in advance.

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