“I'm very excited and a little nervous”: the most “sexually active woman in Australia” boasted that she slept with 654 men in a year (9 photos + 1 video)

Category: Sex, PEGI 16
8 January 2025

And in 2025, she wants to set a new record and go on a sex tour of the USA.

Annie Knight from Australia "became famous" in 2023. Then the employer found out that in her free time the madam was working hard on adult websites. The management looked at what exactly the girl was doing and immediately kicked her out.

Annie Knight

But Annie wasn't upset and continued to frolic on 18+ portals.

I've learned so much. Sex isn't just about pleasure for a man. It's also about pleasure for yourself, she said.

And even gave advice to ladies who want to try themselves in doing all sorts of things on camera:

If this is what you really want to do, and it inspires you, and you think it will make you happy or bring you some benefit, then why not?

Annie herself follows this advice: in 2024, Knight came to the United States and arranged a sex tour of cities and villages. Men from Boston, Los Angeles, New York, Orlando, New Orleans and Houston fell into her lustful embrace. Some of the men were cold when they heard her call to go to bed, but most were happy to arrange a pleasant pastime for her.

They are much more willing to make contact and are selfless in bed, unlike Australians, who can be a little more selfish and sometimes do not fully understand what they are doing, - said the partner hunter.

Then Knight summed up:

This year (2024) I slept with 654 characters and that's enough. Tired. But! I'm already ready for the challenge in the new year. My plan is 1000 men, 500 of them virgins. I can't wait!

For this, she will go on a new tour of the States. Probably, American virgins are already waiting for the horny Knight to rush to their city. Well, the media has already nicknamed her "the most sexually active woman in Australia".

And another "star" last year was the British Lily Phillips.

Lily Phillips

This lover of bed exercise slept with 101 men in one day and made a film about it. After that, she threatened to set a new record in 2025 - 1000 males per day. According to her calculations, it will take a couple of minutes for each quick-shooter.

She has already announced a casting. Her mother helps her select males for this event. And among the candidates are her father's friends.

Daddy's joy, as it is. But that's not certain.

1 comment
8 January 2025
1 947 comments
"Ти ж цього не дізнаєшся, чи не так? Якщо я цього не зроблю, то не стану номером дві тисячі … Що там ще? Я буду номером один. Тим, кого ти запам’ятаєш на все життя. Ночами ти будеш думати про мене, гадати: чи не він? Моя відповідь – так. Я твій ідеал, якого у тебе не було." Траса 60
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