Don't touch it, it's for the New Year! Dog guards tangerines
A small dog decided to become a guard of a box of tangerines. He wouldn't even let his own mistress near the fruit.
Having climbed into the box of fragrant citrus fruits, the four-legged sentry put on a real show, refusing to share even with his own mistress. Every attempt to take at least one fruit was met with a decisive rebuff - the dog bravely defended his post, like a stern guard of warehouse supplies.
The contrast between the seriousness with which the little one carried out his duties and the comicality of the situation itself was especially touching, because these tangerines were clearly not intended for him. But the dog was sincerely convinced of the importance of his mission to preserve the New Year's supplies, so he was not going to retreat, despite the fact that he did not eat citrus fruits.