Genius mathematician girl Zara Dar changed her profession (7 photos)

24 December 2024

A Pakistani student, Zara Naeem Dar, was called a real discovery! She was predicted to have a bright future in science. She became famous thanks to her educational content on YouTube, in which she talked about mathematics and machine learning in an accessible language. Alas, she failed to become a popularizer of the exact sciences, since most of her subscribers were interested exclusively in her attractive appearance. Unfortunately, her popularity on YouTube did not bring her any particular financial success. Therefore... she postponed obtaining a doctorate for now and slightly changed her field of activity.

As you may have guessed, Zara created an account on a well-known site selling explicit content. In the first month alone, she earned more than 30 thousand dollars. Now the beauty has bought herself a house, a car, and also financially helped her parents. Today, thanks to her "additional income", she was able to calmly continue her studies, forgetting about scholarships and loans. According to her, she would never have earned so much in her life in scientific work.

It is unclear how to react to this information. Should I feel sorry for the girl, or condemn her, or rejoice... Or is this another story about the world of victorious capitalism and the era of consumption, in which a young scientist can only dream of money?

[thumb][/t humb]


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