14 Photographic Proofs That You Should Always Be on Guard with Your Brothers and Sisters (16 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
24 December 2024

Children play together and always support each other - that's what parents and everyone around them think. But in reality, everything is much less rosy - the civil war between children has been going on since childhood. Over the years, it does not weaken, but simply moves from the course of dividing toys to pranks and jokes. And on this battlefield, all means are good!

"Every year I try to disguise my sister's gift as something else"

"For Christmas, I framed a picture of my brother in prison. He'll get it in the morning"

"Asked my sister to leave a piece of cake"

"A birthday present from my brother - an Inception themed t-shirt. We are now at level 5"

A little prank for my sister's birthday

"Three people did it in 30 minutes"

"My sister came to visit for Christmas and I made her bed linen"

"My brother and I have a prank war - I painted his room pink"

Brother knows a lot about jokes

"I wrapped a present for my brother in cement"

"I ordered a gift for my brother while I was drunk. I'm not disappointed"

"My brother needed a place to stay"

"I gave my sister a hair dryer"

"My sister played a prank on me for the day birth"

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