Too Beautiful: Model Complained That Her Friends Didn't Let Her Go to Christmas Dinner (4 photos)

17 December 2024

Marina Smith has been banned from a Christmas dinner by her friends, who say she is "too pretty" and makes them jealous and insecure.

Model Marina Smith, a former Miss Bumbum winner from Sao Paulo, Brazil, claims she was banned from a Christmas dinner with her friends because they were worried she might attract the attention of their partners.

Smith, 34, said her friends banned her from the holiday gathering, accusing her of being "too pretty" and making them jealous and insecure.

"I was told I couldn't come to dinner because they were afraid I might seduce their husbands and boyfriends. It was weird and hurtful. I've never made any attempt to flirt with my friends' men, but their suspicions suggest they see me as a threat," she said.

Smith said she regularly faces prejudice because of her appearance. She shared that one of her friends' partners told her that they had discussed her "too visible" presence in a WhatsApp chat, which led to her exclusion. According to the model, some of them expressed concern that she would "distract men" or become the center of attention at a party.

"This is not the first time that my appearance has become a stumbling block. My beauty, which seems like a gift to people, often turns into a curse. People judge me not by my actions, but by my appearance," she says.

Despite the obvious rejection from her friends, Marina believes that their envy and suspicions deprive them of the opportunity to maintain a true friendship.

"It's a shame they don't trust me. I would be the best friend they could ever have," she noted.

After the hurt feelings her friends caused her, Marina decided to spend the holidays alone.

"I used to trust my friends, but now I see that was a mistake. It's better to spend Christmas alone at home than to be surrounded by people who don't trust you," the model added.

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