Vietnamese Mavrodi collects $11 billion to buy off the death penalty (4 photos)

4 December 2024

In total, the lady stole 12.5 billion greenbacks from the state and citizens. This is almost 3% of the country's GDP.

68-year-old Truong My Lan was involved in real estate and was the richest woman in Vietnam. Together with her relatives and other accomplices, she controlled the construction of hotels, shopping and business centers throughout the country. She also took control of the largest commercial bank SCB and issued loans to herself through front men.

At the same time, she created dozens of ghost companies with the help of which she laundered the stolen money.

The total damage from Lan's "business" was initially estimated at almost 30 billion dollars. Then they recalculated it and settled on the figure of 12.5 billion.

And they sentenced her to death.

It happened in April: since then, the unfortunate entrepreneur began to rush about and collect money. Vietnamese law allows a criminal to avoid capital punishment if he returns most of the stolen money.

To do this, Lan needs to scrape together $11 billion. Her lawyers had previously stated that the fraudster had already returned everything: she had simply transferred all her assets and real estate to the state. But it turned out that no - almost half of the real estate was problematic and could not be properly valued.

So the swindler once again faced the prospect of the death penalty.

As a rule, capital punishment in Vietnam is assigned for murder or drug trafficking. Now they want to send to the next world the most greedy swindler in the history of the country.

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