A possum with an ear infection walked in circles for two hours (1 photo + 2 videos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
4 December 2024

A Florida resident (USA) named Monica arrived at work and saw something strange happening in front of the entrance to the building.

The frightened woman noticed the opossum walking in circles like a wind-up toy. Monica contacted the Little Bit Wildlife Rescue center, and it took specialist Elizabeth Azzarello quite a while to get to the scene — by that time the unfortunate animal had been wandering in a vicious circle for at least two hours.


After taking the opossum, Elizabeth initially feared that the animal had suffered a severe head injury. But then the lady remembered that there had been heavy rains the day before. It turns out that if possums get water in their ears, they can get an ear infection, the symptoms of which include, among other things, disorientation and severe dizziness.

So, the head injury turned out to be unrelated, and antibiotics successfully deal with the infection. Elizabeth added that her patient is not yet completely healthy, but will soon be ready to return to the wild.

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