14 incredible, but real animal hybrids (15 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
28 November 2024

Wild animals are beautiful. So are domestic animals. But their hybrids, which appear as a result of crossing different species, are no less beautiful.

Some of these hybrids are rare, others are more common. But in any case, they are amazing.

1. Wolfdog

A large wolf-dog hybrid. The average height of an adult animal is 62–67 cm, weight — 35–45 kilograms. Despite 50% of wild nature, they are easy to train and even serve on the border with us.

2. Zonkeys

A hybrid of a zebra and a donkey. Initially, in the 19th century, they were bred due to their endurance and resistance to horse diseases. Now zonkeys are found mainly in zoos, but such a baby can also appear in the wild if zebras and donkeys share the same territory.

3. Zorse

A hybrid of a zebra stallion and a mare, as well as a donkey or pony. They are bred for practical purposes, are more difficult to tame and are quite aggressive.

4. Bloody Parrot Cichlid

It is a hybrid fish species - a cross between a red cichlid and a midas. First bred in Taiwan. The fish is voracious and quite aggressive.

5. Liger

A hybrid of a lion and a tigress. It is the largest representative of the cat family that currently exists. What is noteworthy is that females, unlike most hybrids, can produce offspring.

6. Tigon

A hybrid between a male tiger and a female lioness. They are almost never found in the wild. Male tigons cannot produce offspring, but females can.

7. Leopon

A hybrid between a male leopard and a female lioness. The first documented case of a leopon being born occurred in India in 1910.

8. Pumapard

A hybrid of a puma and a leopard. They exhibit a tendency towards dwarfism. There are currently no living hybrids.

9. Savannah

A breed of cat that is a hybrid of a domestic cat and a serval. The cat is large and takes about 3 years to reach its maximum size.

10. Bengal cat

An intergeneric hybrid of a domestic cat and a Bengal cat. The animals are active, talkative, persistent, smart and playful.

11. Grolar

A hybrid of a polar and brown bear. It is found both in the wild and in captivity. There are only three confirmed cases of hybridization in nature.

12. Kama

A hybrid between a one-humped camel and a llama. In 1998, a male hybrid named Rama was born at the Dubai Animal Reproduction Center, and in 2002, a female named Kamila was born. Insemination was artificial.

13. Wolfin

A very rare cetacean hybrid, born as a result of mating a female common bottlenose dolphin (large dolphin) with a male small killer whale.

14. Mulard

An interspecific hybrid obtained by crossing drakes of Muscovy ducks with domestic ducks of the Pekin White, Orgpington, Rouen and White Allier breeds. Mulards are not found in the wild.

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