33 people who don't care about others (34 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
28 November 2024

From an early age, we learn to be attentive to others. When someone is sleeping, we try not to make noise. If someone is crying, we console them. If we see trash, we always clean it up. However, not everyone does this. This post is dedicated to such antiheroes.

1. Cyclists ride on the road, although there is a special bike path nearby

2. At the botanical garden in Washington, USA

"No posts allowed. They're bad for the plants"

3. Gender Reveal Party Garbage

4. Garbage left on shelf

5. In the fitting room

6. This lady stood the entire concert

7. When one place little

8. Blinding high beam

9. Walking as if it were a pedestrian path

10. Standing on petroglyphs

A meter from the sign reminding us how fragile these artifacts are

11. "My sister scratched the glove compartment of my car with her bag. She also said: "What difference does it make, it doesn't stop you from driving."

12. "My neighbor thinks this parking space is his, and he does the same to everyone who parks there"

13. In the department toys

14. "This is an insanely expensive medicine for my son, who suffers from a rare genetic disease. The delivery guy also took away the potty"

15. "Yesterday I went to a concert. I watched for 3.5 hours this"

16. The manager throws out the cookies every Saturday instead of giving them to the employees

"They threw out 55 of them. They wouldn't let us take any home because they thought it would encourage us to bake extra cookies on purpose."

17. "This is the second time the neighbors downstairs have called the police. They think my kids are too loud."

18. Motorcycle on the sidewalk

"Every morning the sidewalk is blocked by a motorcycle. The SUV on the left has a bunch of passive-aggressive stickers. It looks like this family is proud of their love of motorcycling and can't find a place to park their iron horse."

19. "Today I saw a guy put his dirty feet on a chair"

20. Tried and Threw

21. Because Someone Has to Clean Up After Them other

22. "Someone Stole My Fig Tree"

23. This Always Happens When You're Late for Work

24. Left Towels on sun loungers, and they left for a few hours

25. They grilled shashlik, but forgot to take out the trash

26. "They stole my bike... I locked it, and they sawed it up pillar..."

27. "Someone keeps eating my food at work"

28. The man sat at his laptop throughout the entire film

29. Just outrageous

30. "Someone put a lock on my backpack"

31. I laid out the contents of my bag so no one could sit on it

32. "I counted: 7 to the ashtray steps"

33. Someone stuck chewing gum in the USB ports on the bus

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