15 Facts About Everyday Life That Confirm That Our World Is Full of Dangers (16 photos)

Category: Facts, PEGI 0+
28 November 2024

Everyone is afraid of something. Some are afraid of the dark, others are terrified of heights, and others panic at the sight of spiders.

These little phobias may scare us from time to time, but they don't really pose much of a real danger. But there are things that do. Most of these everyday objects are pretty hard to hide from. And yet, they cause injuries and even deaths every year.

1. Toothpicks pose a serious threat

In the United States alone, there are up to 8,000 cases of injuries caused by this hygiene product every year.

2. Candles are far from harmless

And every year they cause tens of thousands of fires in houses and apartments.

3. Vampire butterflies exist

There are some butterflies that actually suck blood. For example, this Calyptra thalictaria, which lives, among other places, in the Far East, Siberia and the Caucasus.

4. The cleanliness of an important gadget leaves much to be desired

According to a study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 16% of mobile phones contain faecal particles.

5. The Dye That Runs

Strawberry yogurt is often dyed red with carmine, a substance obtained from crushed female cochineal beetles (Dactylopius coccus), an insect from the order Hemiptera.

6. The Safest Way to Move Between Floors

But the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has found a frightening trend: elevators injure 17,000 people and kill 27 each year. Half of those deaths involve workers performing installation or repair work.

7. Domestic Enemies

In ten years, the weight of most mattresses doubles... due to dust mites and their excrement.

8. Air Composition

The air in a typical subway station contains suspended matter, 15% of which is made up of particles of dead human skin.

9. Which is cleaner?

There are 400 times more bacteria on an office desk than on a toilet.

10. The Sneaky Clasp

In 2013, a urology resident at the University of California, San Francisco named Herman Singh Bagga published the results of an interesting study. 17,616 people were taken to emergency rooms between 2002 and 2012 because their genitals were caught in zippers

11. Dangerous Threat

Icicles kill up to 100 people in Russia every year.

12. Time Eater

Watching TV for more than two hours a day reduces your life expectancy by almost 1.5 years.

13. Wash your hands... just wash them

There can be up to 730 million germs under a ring on your finger.

14. The consequences of sneezing

If you sneeze too hard, you can break a rib. But holding it in can also be dangerous. This can lead to a ruptured blood vessel in the brain.

15. Dangerous sports equipment

Golf clubs can kill. There have been cases where they have broken when thrown, and when they return to their place, they have hit the golfer's heart, causing his death.

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