A man entered a stranger's room and lay down next to her

Yesterday, 16:48

In the United States, a stranger entered a hotel room of a sleeping couple. He lay down in the bed with the guests and covered himself with a blanket.

The incident occurred in October 2023 at the Quail's Nest Hotel in Osage Beach, Missouri. An unknown man in a cap opened one of the rooms at night with a staff key. Inside were guests - a man and a woman, they were sleeping. The stranger entered the room, lay down in bed next to the woman and covered himself with a blanket. Feeling that something was happening, she woke up. At first, it seemed to her that her partner was moving, but when she saw him on the other side of her, she realized that there was a stranger in the bed with them.

The criminal was scared off by the woman's awakening. He ran away, but left his cap in the room. After that, the man tried to go into another room. However, the guests staying there locked the door with a latch from the inside. They heard the burglar and even tracked his car number. The man was also caught on surveillance cameras. Thanks to all this data, he was quickly found and arrested.

The woman who had the unknown man in bed filed a lawsuit against the hotel. The owners agreed to pay her a large compensation because the lawyer managed to prove that it was very easy to steal the key for the staff - it was hanging in a prominent place behind the reception desk.

1 comment
Today, 01:40
От якби невідомий чоловік приліг у ліжко поруч із чоловіком, ліберальна громадськість питань не мала б smile
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