19 plants whose outstanding features will attract attention like a magnet (20 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
2 November 2024

All over the world, humans are surrounded by thousands of plant species. And many of them can boast not only beautiful flowers and green, fresh leaves. Some representatives of the botanical world have extremely curious features concerning their size, color, shape of fruits and flowers.

Adenanthera inauguration drops such seeds that it is difficult to understand at first what is in front of you

Witches' brooms on a pine tree. Looks strange, doesn't it?

Witches' brooms are fragments of the crown of a plant with abnormal growth. As a rule, it is considered a plant disease. It is characterized by the appearance of numerous thin shoots, often sterile, growing from dormant buds.

Zingiber zerumbet or soap ginger

Once upon a time, the Polynesians used the aromatic liquid that accumulates in the plant as shampoo. By the way, it is clearly visible in the photo.

A surprised box with lotus seeds

A new Pixar hero?

Succulent Sedum Morganii

If you don't look closely, it looks like a few hundred caterpillars crawling somewhere about their business.

Virginia juniper - smells very nice and is resistant to rotting

This is what a 75-year-old Decembrist looks like! A real beauty!

Now I have new goals. Only 74 years left to wait.

Last year I planted pumpkins and melons, but nothing grew, this year these cool hybrids appeared

Kalanchoe tubifolia is proof that nature is crazy about regular shapes

Pseudolithos is similar to stones

Wild grape vines have deformed the tree trunk

Adenia Perrieri has very interesting leaves

Passion flower looks like a flower from a fantasy peace

Not a succulent, but a pile of jewels

The majestic pohutukawa tree

The flowers of the corydalis look like little wizards

Giant ravenala amazes with its size

Copper-leaved chenille has interesting flowers that look like fluffy worms

Aeonium tree-like looks like a black rose

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