The richest beggar in the world "works" in Mumbai (6 photos)

Today, 18:46

His name is Bharat Jain and he started out as a beggar on the streets of Mumbai. And there is no magical story about how he started his business with the money he begged for. He simply and simply made his million dollar fortune by begging.

Looks like our regular high-rise buildings, a beggar lives here

The story of the richest beggar in the world

He was born in a very poor family, so he didn't even have a chance to finish school. In addition, the cost of living in Mumbai is very high, so the family could not afford almost anything.

To avoid hunger, he began to walk the streets and beg for alms instead of going to school. He did this for 10-12 hours a day.

They write about him on social networks

Gradually, his monthly income from begging reached 60,000-75,000 Indian rupees (up to $800). His usual places for begging are near the Chattrapati Shivaji Railway Station and the Azad Maidan sports ground. Both these places are among the most prestigious in Mumbai. There are thousands of passengers around the station day and night, so he chose a very strategic place to beg.

Surprisingly, over the years his income only grew, although it would seem that he feels sorry for the children.

He usually begs here, a nice place, nothing to say. I think he gives the police a bribe so they don't throw him out

This is how he was able to buy 7.5 crore Indian rupees, which is equivalent to almost a million US dollars. Even the middle class in India, who work eight to ten hours a day at their jobs, do not have such wealth.

They say that he is the richest beggar in the world. I personally doubt it. Rather, he is the most naive who told us what huge funds are circulating in this area.

How rich is this poor man

He owns a flat in a housing complex in Parel (Mumbai district). Now he supports his wife (and what, a good match), two sons, a brother and a father. He also bought a two-room flat for rent, runs two rental shops in Thane, which bring him a little, but a stable 400 dollars a month.

If all beggars in India registered as self-employed, India would overtake China in finance

It's good that he is smart enough to send his sons not to beg for money, but to a school with an English focus.

Despite numerous requests from his family to stop begging, Bharat still spends 10-12 hours a day on the streets of India's financial metropolis. Of course, shops bring in less than begging.

Is this even legal?

Well, sort of no, but sort of yes.

There is no central law in India that punishes begging. But several states have their own laws against begging, which were modeled on the Bombay Prevention of Begging Act, 1959.

According to this law, a "beggar" is a person without visible means of support, and "begging" includes asking for or accepting alms in a public place. This law also gives the police the power to arrest or detain any beggar without a warrant.

And remember I wrote about this "beggar" from the amusement park, whom everyone simply adores and has fed

According to the UN Development Program report, over the past 15 years, 415 million people in India have found themselves at or below the poverty line.

What can I say? Help only with things, medicine or inexpensive food. If they don't need your things, they don't need help.

By the way, a trip to India is a very good vaccination against the desire to give a penny. There are a lot of people asking for money, but very soon you understand that this is a state of mind - not wanting to do anything. And what? The weather allows it.

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