Smuggler detained in Spain who hid 120 pieces of jewelry in his buttocks (2 photos)

Yesterday, 18:47

The man caught at the airport was carrying 17 medals, 8 bracelets and dozens of other pieces of jewelry.

The stricter the customs control at airports becomes, the more sophisticated and selfless modern smugglers have to be. Who would have thought that one person could hide as many as 121 pieces of jewelry – and not just anywhere, but in one of the most secret parts of the human body. Earrings, bracelets, rings and even medals – enough for a whole jewelry store – were hidden where few would dare to look.

The 41-year-old traveler, who was clearly restless, was about to fly to Algeria from El Prat Airport, the largest airport in Catalonia and the second busiest in Spain. However, the grandiose plan to smuggle the precious “carry-on baggage” between the buttocks was foiled at the security check stage: his nervous behavior immediately attracted the attention of the border guards. But it was not even his stiff gait that gave the would-be criminal away, but a completely different, insignificant detail – a one-way ticket.

The law enforcement officers, who suspected something was wrong, took the man to a special room. There he was subjected to additional X-ray scanning, which showed a large amount of metal in his “fifth point”. The recovered "treasure" shocked even the experienced customs officers: inside were 8 bracelets, 23 chains, 17 medals, 7 pectoral crosses, 19 rings, 15 earrings and 32 separate fragments of various gold jewelry.

Law enforcement officers did not appreciate the dedication of the smuggler, who decided to avoid declaring the jewelry in such an extravagant way. The man was detained, the gold was confiscated, the flight to Algeria took off without him. The Spanish police also launched an investigation to establish the origin of the jewelry, as well as to find out whether the perpetrator was part of a criminal group or a lone adventurer. Be that as it may, the detainee now faces criminal liability under the article on smuggling and imprisonment.

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