In India, fraudsters ran a bank branch for 10 days, but did not steal deposits (5 photos)

Yesterday, 14:43

There was already a story about how scammers stole police uniforms somewhere and accepted complaints from the population and even resolved them for a bribe. What touched me most was that these scammers sometimes even resolved village disputes until they were exposed.

The fake policemen were even useful in some way

Now a new Indian crime - a new branch of the famous State Bank of India opened in a village. The villagers were happy that digitalization had reached them.

What did the scammers do

They opened a full-fledged branch of the State Bank of India and received money from the population for 10 days. All they had to do was hang a sign on the empty building, bring in new furniture and seat the manager at the counter with a computer. And also pretend that there would soon be renovations.

Few people in the village know what a bank looks like

It's funny that they earned more here than on deposits, which Indians don't really believe in... on work! Because the scammers announced that the branch would soon be operating at full capacity, so it would soon need new employees.

In India, especially in villages, there is little work, the population does not have much money. And in order to secure a promise that you will be hired for a new job, you had to give a deposit to the bank employees (scammers).

Inside the branch there was always some kind of fuss and even computers were humming

Thus, a place was promised to 7 different young people applying for the position of a teller. They collected about 580,000 rupees each. This is a lot of money for villagers, but many saw it as a ticket to the future. After all, in a big bank you can get a promotion or transfer to a larger branch.

Local residents collected bribes from friends with hope for the future. And they were even hired! But since the branch was just opening, there was supposedly little work.

They stand at the bank, either for money or for an interview

And they went to work for 10 days just to sit and wait for assignments. Not a single assignment came in all this time. Because the villagers were told that the bank was still installing servers, and it would start accepting and issuing money next month.

On the tenth day, everyone started to suspect something, so they went to the police. The police finally got there and found that the bank had no documents.

Why is it so Indian

Because the scammers opened the bank... not for financial transactions, and they didn't even steal the villagers' deposits. But to look like a reliable place to work and scam people with jobs.

The main value in India is not money? A job is much more attractive

It's a little sad, but in India, locals go to the bank not for deposits, but to find a stable job. Sadly, this is also the reality of the country.

By the way! The police confirmed that none of the potential customers of the bank were cheated. However, the poor people who paid to get a job there lost a total of 1.2 million rupees.

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