Basenjis: they are called the ideal breed for children, but in fact, even experienced dog handlers are afraid of them! (8 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 14:43

Basenjis are like modern stars. They do all sorts of things, and they are still praised! All because people who have never seen these mutts in real life write in their articles that this is a “wonderful breed that is ideal for an apartment and as a companion for children. It does not bark, does not make noise, and understands its owner by his look!” And there are those who believe this. But it’s time to find out the truth!

The photo shows a double bouquet: some flowers of life are holding other flowers of life.

The Basenji, Congo Terrier, or Zande dog is an original breed from Central Africa. Spoiler alert: these animals are not for the faint of heart. These mutts regularly top the lists of the "most untrainable" breeds. Not only modern zoopsychologists, but even old-school dog handlers reject them. Basenjis are called stupid, complex, and stupid. They say that it is impossible to train the woolly ones and teach them even one command. But this is not true at all. Representatives of the breed are very smart. Just in their own way.

That same gentle girl (left) and her watermelon-manipulator boyfriend (right).

The thing is that the dogs were not specially bred. Barbos are considered an aboriginal breed, that is, formed without human participation. For many thousands of years, Basenjis lived next to people, but not for people. Due to selection in free flight, even today they do not see us as a "master" in the usual sense of the word. In character, the dogs are more like wayward cats who do you a favor by living with you. This does not mean that dogs do not perceive people in principle. Basenjis cooperate with people, and do not impeccably obey them.

Hey, I'm not a pocket dog, I'm a full-fledged hunter!

It is on partnership that the relationship between a dog and a person is built in the homeland of the breed. The first mentions are drawings in the tombs of the Great Pyramid, dating back to 2700 BC. From the very beginning of their appearance and to this day, Basenjis have helped the peoples of Africa hunt small game. The duties of the dog include tracking and chasing various animals: dogs drive prey straight into the hands and nets of hunters. Only a smart, cunning and self-sufficient dog is capable of this.

To prevent the dog from getting lost in dense vegetation, a small basket with shells and stones is hung on its neck, which works like a bell.

But in an apartment with such a dog, problems begin. You will not get slippers delivered and a loyal wait at the door after work from a Basenji. At the same time, Basenjis solve their personal problems perfectly - how to beg for an extra treat, avoid cutting their claws or open the treasured closet door. Woolly ones easily learn to manipulate their owners and get what they want.

Food begging mode activated.

To make the animal do what the owner wants, you will have to negotiate. Make it so that the dog itself is interested in coming up to the command, giving a paw or voice. By the way, about him... Basenjis really can't bark. The structure of their larynx is somewhat different from that of other dog breeds. You won't get the usual woof-woof from them. But this does not mean that the animals are silent. The animals will overwhelm your neighbors with loud screams, shouts, whining, get you with panting and growling. For such a range of sounds in Africa they are even called "talking dogs". It would be better if it just barked!

When you make every possible sound in karaoke except the ones you need.

A Basenji can throw out a sea of ​​energy not only in conversations. The breed is extremely demanding of intellectual and physical activity. In their homeland, they run for kilometers and constantly strain their brains to get or drive an animal. You don’t have time to entertain your pet? Well, then the dog will easily occupy himself. And believe me, you will not like it.

I came to say hello and destroy your apartment. As you can see, I'm already done with the first one.

The final nail in the coffin of the myth of the ideal breed is a powerful hunting instinct. In Basenjis, it is so strongly developed that even now, after many generations as pets, they can break away at any moment after a cat or a squirrel. To prevent an accident, owners should always walk their pets on a leash and let them go only in designated areas.

The Basenji is so agile that it can easily climb a tree to get its prey.

As a result, the breed "ideal for a child" turned out to be so difficult to test that even adults and experienced people can't handle it! Do not give such puppies to children under any circumstances. Buy ice cream instead!

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