25 terrible neighbors that undermine faith in humanity (26 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 23:16

It seems that in the past, neighbors were somehow more friendly and trusted each other. But today, good neighborly relations are less and less common, and this is very noticeable in stories and photos from the Internet.

1. "My neighbors are too lazy to throw out the trash. They just leave it there"

2. "We have a wonderful neighbor moving into our building"

3. "The neighbor's 12-year-old grandson decided to sneak out for a ride. He got scared, hit the gas, and drove across their lawn and mine, then crashed into the front of my house. Thank God their car insurance covers all the damage"

4. "The neighbors' kids broke my window. Their dad is so aggressive I'm afraid to go near him. The police didn't respond to my report, so I just ended up getting a replacement window"

5. "My neighbors use the common hallway as a personal storage room"

6. "A drunk neighbor missed his house and crashed into a car at 130 km/h mine"

7. "This is my neighbors' garden and they refuse to clean it up. The worst part is that they have two dogs that eat out of the trash all the time"

8. "My neighbor parks her car in my flower bed instead of in my driveway because she's too lazy to move her trash cans"

9. "'Problem' kids next door and 'just a gun with bullets,'" he told me police officer"

10. "My neighbor tried to saw off my door handle today because she hadn't seen my cat in the window for 3 days"

11. "My neighbor wasn't happy with how I parked my car, so he blocked my exit. The gray car is mine"

12. "The neighbor was unhappy that we mowed one row of his lawn. So he sprayed the grass with herbicide to mark the boundary."

13. "The neighbor destroyed our condo building. Because he got drunk, high, and left his cigarette unattended while he was sleeping."

14. "My neighbor throws dog food at my car because I parked in front of her window. She doesn't even have a car."

15. "How my neighbor parks. No, it's not temporary, the car has been parked like this for three days already"

16. "My neighbor has a new light"

17. "My retired neighbor is draining water from his pool into our yard. He does it every year, but this time he stuck the hose under the fence"

18. "The neighbors installed a surveillance camera that watches our windows and yard"

19. "I found out where my missing packages went. My neighbor is stealing them! Reported to the police"

20. "Neighbors decided to park in front of my garage, blocking my exit"

21. "One of my neighbors started putting up a cone to save "his" parking space in our complex. We don't have any assigned spaces for tenants"

22. "My neighbor does this because she doesn't want anyone parking next to her car (she's not disabled)"

23. "I bought and installed some nice new fence panels... My neighbor had other preferences though color"

24. "Neighbor dropped air conditioner on my car"

25. "Neighbor leaves her street shoes outside the front door. Always"

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