How famous Indian call centers of scammers work (11 photos)

Yesterday, 23:16

In general, the largest and, dare I say it, the most sophisticated fraudulent network is the Indian network, whose victims most often are residents of Canada, the USA, Germany, Spain, Great Britain and Australia.

Organizations engaged in extortion of money from the population are called by the beautiful word "call centers", whose employees are engaged in telephone scam (fraud), luring money from naive citizens. In a year, fraudsters manage to earn about 100 million dollars! Agree, the amount is more than impressive...

Indian call centers

The most popular scheme for "scamming", say, American citizens for big money - is painfully simple. Employees of Indian "call centers", making calls, imitate an American accent and use VoIP (a type of IP telephony) to hide their real location.

They introduce themselves as employees of the Federal Tax Service and inform their potential victims that they allegedly have tax arrears, and in case of any objections from the other end of the line they begin to threaten legal prosecution, trial, and even arrest.

It is curious that Indian scammers also manage to bargain with their victims, first naming large sums, and then reducing them to more or less acceptable ones during the conversation. And people believe them.

According to the Indian publication “Times of India”, on average every twentieth person fell for the scammers’ bait, that is, about 5% agreed to pay off their “tax debt”. In this simple way, Indian "call centers" earn about 150-225 thousand dollars daily.

For residents of Canada, the workers of Indian "call centers" have prepared a slightly different scheme. The victim receives a call on the phone that begins with robocall (that is, the person is first spoken to by a robot), after which an operator joins the conversation and reports that the person is involved in some kind of fraud with the SIN (social insurance number, required to work in Canada) and if he does not call back to the number indicated below, he faces arrest and imprisonment.

Understandably, many called back, and even then the scammers offered to settle the matter with a certain payment. As a rule, these payments were made using prepaid credit cards, iTunes gift cards or bitcoins. Curiously, to avoid being considered suspicious, the Indian scammers spoofed the numbers in such a way that it seemed like the call was coming from Canada.

Another popular scam used by Indian "call centers" involves well-known brands - Amazon and Microsoft. Having called their potential victims, the scammers pose as employees of one of the above-mentioned companies and send fake warnings about a security breach.

When a person tries to find out what to do next, he is persistently offered to call back a specific number, behind which is hidden a fake Indian call center.

A common method is to distort the Windows command line

During the conversation, the scammers remotely gain control over the victim's computer and convince them of non-existent problems that require payment to fix. The payments vary greatly, and sometimes reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. According to Amazon, more than 2,000 Amazon and Microsoft customers worldwide have already suffered from fraudulent call centers.

Fake Tech Support Scam Popup

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