Czech mafia placed their slaves in McDonald's and took their money (4 photos)

Today, 12:30

Once again, the theme of slavery and global conspiracy. This time, McDonald's got caught in the crossfire. The New York Post writes that there are members of a family gang from the Czech Republic who forced their slaves to work at McDonald's. The gang members took their money and spent it on themselves, forcing their slaves to work 100 hours a week, writes the BBC.

Judging by the police report, McDonald's was fine with everything. No one was bothered by the fact that the earnings of several employees were transferred to one bank account or the same home addresses were used.

According to the BBC, most of the victims were homeless or struggling with addiction while living in the Czech Republic. The gang members gave their slaves just a few pounds a day, forcing them to work all day. Interestingly, all the workers only worked in the UK. The slaves lived in terrible conditions, were poorly fed, and sometimes beaten. The victims were repeatedly caught when they ran away and tried to return home. This horror lasted for about 7 years.

The strangest thing about this story is how McDonald's representatives behaved. The victims did not speak English, so their job applications were filled out by one of the gang members, who was even allowed to attend the interviews as a "translator". The slaves worked more than 100 hours a week. One worker once worked a 30-hour shift.

McDonald's told the BBC that the current franchise owner, Ahmet Mustafa, had been exposed. The company did not respond to requests for further comment.

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