18 Perfect Photos Where Everything Is in Perfect Order (19 photos)

Today, 00:12

There is too much stress and worry in our lives, and it has long been known that ideal images evoke pleasant emotions and aesthetic pleasure in people. In this post, you will see pleasant pictures that will evoke a feeling of relaxation and visual pleasure, and at least for a while will make you forget about problems.

1. The best bookseller in the world

We are constantly looking for patterns in everything and when we find them, we reward ourselves for successfully completing a task. Because a pattern is an opportunity to predict, forecast and, accordingly, control and security.

2. Perfect Order

There have been experiments that have shown that for people, the symmetry of another person's face is a strong sign of beauty. Perhaps we have some kind of tool that works independently, evaluating the symmetry of objects. And it works not only when we look at someone, but in any other situations.

3. The salesman who stacked the shirts like this deserves a raise

4. This photo is mesmerizing

Harmony is a Greek word meaning "coherence, proportionality, unity of parts and the whole." Externally, harmony can manifest itself in symmetry and proportionality.

5. Unique work

6. Nature is the best perfectionist



By carefully examining natural phenomena, one can see the general even in the most insignificant things and details, find manifestations of symmetry. The shape of the tree leaf is not random: it is strictly regular. The leaf is glued together from two more or less identical halves, one of which is located mirror image relative to the other.

9. A very neat person's snowman

10. You want to look at this lens and look

11. Order in these books calms

12. Avocado Carver

13. Perfect Match

14. Even Tires Can Be Laid on excellent

15. Beautiful yolks

16. Waffle and coffee

17. Collection of games in full okay

18. Window to the mountains

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