A street vendor suddenly found herself in a sewer (2 photos + 1 video)

Yesterday, 22:47

A woman from Thailand often comes to the market to sell her goods. However, the woman could not imagine that her favorite place to do business could injure her.

A street vendor from Thailand often comes to the city market, placing her cart with food there. However, the woman could not imagine that her favorite place to do business is not at all safe.

At some point, the woman decided to sit on a stool and rest for a while, when suddenly the slab under her feet collapsed. It turns out that this slab covered a storm drain, which "swallowed" the poor lady in the blink of an eye. And along with the stool.

The victim injured her arm, but that's not why she's upset. There was water in the drain, and the woman is terrified to imagine what would have happened if, for example, a small child had fallen into the terrible hole. He could have drowned.

Immediately after the incident, local authorities hastily repaired the slab and covered the hole again (this time properly), and the woman who fell in was paid compensation for her treatment.

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