In Arizona, a man arrested for violence tried to crawl into the women's block to have sex with a prisoner he liked (3 photos + 1 video)

23 September 2024

The plan was as reliable as a Swiss watch, but something went wrong.

Justin Avery - ended up in the equivalent of our pretrial detention center in the USA on charges of violence. The burly black man lay in wait for female students near the campus of a university in Arizona, after which he pounced on them, trying to rape them. Avery was detained in mid-April of this year and placed in a detention center.

According to the media, this institution is divided into 2 halves - male and female. At that moment, Avery was in a cell with a dozen other detainees, and in the women's half, there were only two ladies waiting for trial. Avery fell for one of them - the guy really liked the plump ass of this black woman. Having barely waited for night, he got out of his cell (history is silent on how) and tried to crawl to the women's block.

It was 4 am, but the guard was awake. However, Avery managed to remain unnoticed.

He crawled to the women's block, got inside and even found a black woman who had turned his head, when suddenly her cellmate woke up. She hissed at the man, ordering him to leave his comrade. The security came running at the noise, twisted the would-be lover and led him out of the cell by the black arms.

According to the police report, Avery, under more favorable circumstances, would have had sex with a stranger, so an additional note about attempted rape appeared in his file. The incident occurred in April of this year, and in a week the repeat offender will be tried.

The people in the pretrial detention center are perplexed as to how something like this could have happened. They say that this is the first such case in four years.

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