It's not me at all!: Shaquille O'Neal rushed to deny rumors that he is dating a famous model (3 photos + 1 video)

23 September 2024

It all started when he said in an interview that he wasn't dating anyone.

Basketball legend and four-time National Basketball Association champion Shaquille O'Neal has found himself in an unpleasant scandal that doesn't reflect well on him. It all started when the athlete said in an interview that he wasn't dating anyone. When the host said that there were rumors online that Shaquille was dating model Maria Osuna Tichy, he said that he didn't even know her, writes the NY Post.

When Maria learned about this, she posted a photo on her personal page online, where she is standing with a man who looks very much like Shakil, at least in height. In the photo, you can see that the model is literally waist-deep on the man. The strange-looking selfie has already gained 14 million views online.

After the revealing photo appeared, Shaquille said that it wasn't him at all, that he had another girlfriend and that he didn't need strangers at all. The post was accompanied by a video in which O'Neal delivers a monologue by Denzel Washington from the movie "Training Day".

After seeing this interview, Maria was very offended and posted a video on her page, which shows that she spent the whole weekend with the athlete. They hung out at a hotel, went to a concert and apparently spent the night together. However, Shakil's face is not visible in the video, which has users worried. Some decided that it was not Shakil after all, while others said that Shakil simply forbade her from filming so as not to get caught in front of his lady.

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