Hats Against Cheating: Philippine Schools Have Found an Original Way to Combat plagiarism (28 photos)

23 September 2024

Filipino students are using a fun way to combat cheating on exams by wearing homemade “anti-cheating hats.” It’s fun and takes the fear out of exams, according to their teachers.

Cheating on exams is an age-old problem. To make exams less stressful and prevent cheating, schools and colleges in the Philippines have offered students the chance to create their own “anti-cheating” hats. Students can get creative, as the hats (and masks) come in a variety of designs — a great way to show off your personality and amuse your classmates.

Some of the schools that have supported the idea include the Bicol University College of Engineering and Batangas State University – Lobo Campus.

“I was shocked when I just asked them to do something simple and they came up with such creative ideas!” said Professor Mary Joy Mundane Ortiz. “I am proud of my talented students. Exams are usually stressful, but they made it fun and interesting. That’s why they did it!”

Professor Angelo Ebora also shared photos of his students’ hats and wrote, “Fight for extra credit on your midterm. I am so impressed with your efforts!” His photos show a variety of “anti-cheating” hats, from simple cardboard ones to elaborate and creative ones, like a Chainsaw Man mask or a knitted hat.

"To be honest, I was thinking about how to reduce the pressure on students during exams. I always try to inspire them to love the subject, and I came up with the idea of ​​agricultural-themed hats to combat cheating," the professor shared in an interview with reporters. As a result, almost 70 students showed up for exams in these costumes, and the professor added: "I didn't expect them to take it so seriously. I was amazed at how much effort they put in... When I saw their work, I was both surprised and proud of them."

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