The driver of a factory-made Lamborghini sports car was fined for noise (4 photos)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
19 September 2024

Anthony Aquilino, driving his 2018 Lamborghini Huracan Performante supercar, received an $800 fine for making too much noise. He disagreed with this, since the car was not tuned in any way and is now suing the city of New York in an attempt to appeal the fine.

According to the owner of the Lamborghini Huracan, he could not have received a fine for driving at high engine speeds either, since the car was slowing down when it was caught on camera. Aquilino confirmed the factory condition of the supercar in the lawsuit with a certificate from the dealership, received after a specially conducted inspection.

Anthony Aquilino notes that the Lamborghini Huracan Performante is officially permitted for use on US roads, so the fine for an excessively loud engine looks absurd. The only way to avoid further fines, which can reach $2,700, is to completely stop using the supercar.

The publication specifies that initially, when the law on fines for noise was adopted, the New York authorities emphasized its focus on combating illegal tuning of exhaust systems. However, now a representative of the city authorities stated that the law applies to all types of transport, regardless of whether they are modified or not.

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