The passengers of a Delta Airlines flight burst their eardrums during the flight (4 photos)

Category: Aviation, Health, PEGI 0+
19 September 2024

Dozens of passengers on a Boeing plane on a Delta Airlines flight reported feeling unwell in flight, with several people suffering from ruptured eardrums and nosebleeds at altitude, KSL reported.

Passengers on a Boeing plane suffered ruptured eardrums and nosebleeds due to a sharp drop in altitude, Delta Airlines reports.

The plane was flying from Salt Lake City to Portland. The problem occurred at an altitude of 3,000 meters, when the plane began to rapidly lose altitude, which led to depressurization of the cabin.

"I looked back at the row behind me, across the aisle, and there was a gentleman with a nosebleed and people were trying to help him," one passenger said.

The flight was returned to Salt Lake City International Airport, where medics were waiting for the victims.

In a written statement, Delta Air Lines said the Boeing 737-900 had a pressurization issue, but did not provide details about the malfunction.

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