A rich man who doesn’t look his age

Today, 14:18

Netizens were impressed by the appearance and manner of speech of 80-year-old billionaire Larry Ellison. The man pours a lot of money into anti-aging research and it seems to be bearing fruit.

Billionaire Larry Ellison suggested installing an extensive surveillance system based on artificial intelligence, so that cameras would be absolutely everywhere and in every home. Then "citizens will behave in the best possible way." This statement, of course, outraged people, but everyone was more surprised by another fact - Larry Ellison's appearance. The billionaire is 80 years old, but he looks much younger.

Moreover, he stands out not only for his appearance, but also for his free manner of speech without any signs of old age. Larry Ellison was one of the founders of Oracle, and his current fortune is estimated at $ 206.5 billion (second place in the list of the richest people in the world). Now he is pouring millions of dollars into anti-aging research because he wants to defeat death, calling it meaningless. And he also says that humanity is already very close to stopping aging

If he looks like this at 80, then apparently these studies really do bear fruit.

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