A Russian, surrendering, tried to blow up two Ukrainian soldiers with a grenade

16 September 2024
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Soldiers of the 30th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after Prince Konstantin Ostrozhsky eliminated an occupier who, while surrendering, pulled the pin from a grenade, planning to blow himself up and blow up Ukrainian soldiers. As reported by Censor.NET, the recording published on social networks shows that the soldiers figured out the Russian's intentions and moved away from him.

"In the Kupyansk direction, a Russian soldier apparently decided that surrendering was too boring, and tried to drag two soldiers of the 2nd Mechanized Battalion of the 30th Separate Mechanized Brigade into the grave with him, hiding a grenade in his hand. Ukrainian soldiers clearly understood the situation, noticing how the enemy was pulling the pin. A quick response, accurate shots and the threat was eliminated. The incident occurred near the village of Sin'kovka in the Kharkiv region," the commentary to the video says.

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