Doomsday Queen: woman spent 10 years preparing for World War III (2 photos + 2 videos)
A mother of three dubbed the "Doomsday Queen" has spent 10 years and $20,000 preparing her family for World War III.
The woman has stockpiled medical, electrical, and food supplies in case of a global disaster, including war and some kind of pandemic. She is terrified of the future, so Crystal believes that you can never be too prepared and the current world situation does not allow for relaxation.
The mother of three has been "hoarding" enough food, medicine, and electrical supplies for the past 10 years to last a year.
"I prepare for everything: the grid going down and the power going out, a pandemic, civil war, riots, or World War III. We always prepare for the worst case scenario and always hope for the best," Crystal said.
She and her husband, Derek, are raising a 12-year-old daughter, an 11-year-old daughter, and a 7-year-old son. They have been married for 15 years, and the whole family is learning useful skills in case of a disaster. Crystal learned how to grow her own food thanks to her grandfather, and her grandmother taught her how to preserve food. Now she is passing on this knowledge to her children.
The mother of many also has a TikTok page, where she has been nicknamed the "Doomsday Queen." There, she shares some of the steps in her preparation. The woman's main goal is to stock up on supplies for five years of survival, and after that, to completely switch to autonomous food. At the same time, Crystal is convinced that her preparation is not all doom and gloom, and her children - Layla, Kaylee, and Colton - love it, because now they know what to do in an emergency.
"Civil unrest is one of the many reasons we prepare. Here in the United States, we see riots and protests increasing every day, and that's not something we want to subject our family to. My husband has always thought it was a little extreme," Crystal continued.

Most commentators note that such preparation on the part of the "Doomsday Queen" is an adult decision and it is time for all people to think about their safety in this way. Also, fans were impressed that the family did not turn this activity into an obsession, but manages to live in the present moment, while worrying about the future.