Footage from the trial of teenage girls in the DPRK (7 photos + 1 video)

15 September 2024

This week, KBS released footage of a public trial in North Korea. Teenage girls were punished for watching South Korean media and dramas.

North Korea bans foreign content, including movies, TV shows, and music. Violators face punishments including public shaming, prison, and even the death penalty.

The footage shows the girl bursting into tears as she was led to the microphone.

"I made a mistake by listening to and spreading dirty propaganda," she said, before being led away in handcuffs.

The footage was shown in the DPRK as a reminder to citizens.

Earlier this year, two 16-year-olds were sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for watching and distributing doramas (TV series).

Jang Mi, who defected from North Korea in 2020, admitted: "This is the first time I've seen high school students being punished. I'm shocked that they are handcuffed."

As reported by South Korean broadcaster KBS, the DPRK is intensifying repression of human rights amid the deteriorating economic situation in the country.

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