The owner prepared an exquisite 9-course dinner for her pet (18 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 17:37

Pets are full members of the family, and it has become a tradition for owners to celebrate their birthdays. These can be modest gatherings with treats and toys or full-fledged celebrations with cake and furry guests. One such luxurious celebration was recently arranged for Vincent Van Dog.

Meet Vincent Van Dog, who celebrated his 11th birthday on July 23

Vincent Van Dog's owner Dianna recently celebrated her pet's 11th birthday. In honor of this event, she gave her favorite an unforgettable dinner called "Eleven Madison Bark" (there is a Michelin-starred restaurant in New York called Eleven Madison Park). And it was a real feast for gourmets.

The birthday boy tried 9 dishes

"Geaux Fetche was the most exquisite dish on the menu. Molecular gastronomy and served in a tennis ball. The dish was a version of beef tartare. Eleven Madison Park is a vegan restaurant, but we "we thought we could bend the rules," Dianna said.

VIP guest studied the fancy menu

They brought the appetizer

Then they served Geaux Fetche

"I can't imagine my life without Vincent. When he was 6 months old, I adopted him from the Best Friends Animal Society in New York. It was the best decision of my life. Vincent brings us so much joy every day! We wanted our one-eared puppy to feel special on his 11th birthday," the owner shared.

To cleanse the taste buds, the guest was offered a used sock

Afterwards, Vincent enjoyed Cannes de Tuna - sashimi from tuna

After tasting the sashimi, the pet moved on to Le Spoon Peanut Butter - celery with peanut butter

And again he cleared his taste buds, but this time trying ice from Evian, Perrier, Voss and even water from toilet bachka

Next came Noah’s Bark - chicken consommé with spheres of beef broth and veal

The meal ended on a sweet note: pumpkin puree with cream and cookies

The pet also received a bag of treats as a gift

"Vincent really enjoyed the experience. The next day when I gave him regular food, he didn't want to eat it."

"So I included some Eleven Madison Bark food in his diet, which he absolutely loves."

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